Home Learning
Daily Reading using Bug Club:
Children from Y2 –Y6 all have passwords and know how to use the system which has lots of good online books and linked activities. We are working with the supplier to include Reception, Y1, Y2 and will be in contact with you once this has been set up. Another useful site is:
Daily times tables and number bond practice using Times Tables Rockstars:
A carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/ - a huge range of different subjects. Countless resources and ideas for every subject and every age group. Go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer.
Enter CVDTWINKLHELPS to access the site for free (while valid).
Huge range of different resources and information broken down into Key Stages and year groups.
Free online resource packs.
Interactive activities covering a whole range of subjects and year groups
Huge treasure trove of activities that cover a whole range of subjects. Also holds links to games etc that are hosted by other sites.
An education site with a range of activities for children.
Comprehensive learning projects for all phases from EYFS to UKS2.
Free phonics activities for KS1.
Reading activities for children. Free on desktop (cost to download on ipads).
A variety of ipad/computer friendly activities for maths and literacy.
Lots of free online books!
A new picture is shared each day to provoke discussion, debate or writing ideas. Perfect for KS2 creative writing.
Spelling activities with specialist resources for each year group.
Free online digital download of a specialist children’s newspaper.
Vast online store of animated comic strips tracking legends and myths from across the world.
Downloadable reading activity packs.
Online resources and print offs with specifically broken down key stage focuses.
Times tables and number bond practice
Printable maths worksheets, free resources, fun and games.
Mental maths addition and subtraction (beat the clock)
This company are offering a free trial.
Lots of science subject areas covered with resources specifically designed for primary age children. (Other subjects are also available on this site).
Primary school science support from the BBC.
Wider Curriculum
Lots of online videos that help keep children active inside and also teach mindfulness and meditation.
Online programme for teaching and developing touch typing.
Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) has recorded various 5 minute fitness activities aimed at primary school children.
Computing & Online Safety
Geek Gurl Diaries (all things tech-related)
SEND Resources
Please supervise your child whilst they access new content on the internet.
Additional Resources